Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quick Hits

Visual Diagram

Local solutions

Case study: climate

Case study: Air Plane

Case study: Cow's

Frequently Asked Questions



Visual Diagram

This diagram from shows a visual version of what exactly is happening to the Earth with global warming.

Local Solutions

There are many ways to lessen your effect on greenhouse gases which is also called you carbon foot print. I did some things to lessen my own carbon foot print such as use environmental friendly light bulbs which last much longer and use less energy. I also used Facebook to create a group to raise awareness and get people who want to stop this problem together. Also on Facebook I made and event that for a full day you do everything in your power to lessen your carbon foot print. There are many things you can do yourself such as carpool or use public transportation, turn off lights when you don’t need them, buy environmentally friendly light bulbs, unplug things that only need electricity when you use them such as a blender or toaster. If you want to go bigger and really help the world you can buy a hybrid car or set up some solar panels to provide energy to your home.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Climate Models Overheat Antarctica, New Study Finds

In the case study a group of scientists have been studying the effects of climate change on Antarctica and how while some ice seems to be melting and how it is increasing on other parts of the ice. For more information click here.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Unmanned Aircraft To Study Southern California Smog And Its Consequences

Scientists have been using special unmanned aircraft to measure different aspects of the atmosphere as well as determine the kind of climate change that California may be experiencing. To find out more click here

'Burpless' Grass Cuts Methane Gas From Cattle, May Help Reduce Global Warming from

Scientists are creating genetically modified grass that when eaten by cows it stops them from burping which emits carbon dioxide. They have also made it able to grow well in hot climates so farmers can more widely use it to feed their cows. To read more , click here.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is the Greenhouse effect?
The Greenhouse effect is when the carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere raise to the point at which the sun’s heat enters the atmosphere and bounces back out some of it is being reflected back into the earth. So the suns heat comes in but not all of it gets back out therefore heating the earth.
2.Why is it called Greenhouse Gases?
Greenhouse gases get its name from the greenhouse effect which is the processes that occurs in a greenhouse. In a green house the glass lets the light and heat energy in but when it enters it is reflected back up and normally it leaves the atmosphere but the glass keeps it in there for keeping the humidity and temperature levels high which is very good for the plants.
3.Why don’t the green house gases reflect the sun’s energy?
The sun’s energy is able to get through all the clouds of pollutants but is unable to get out when it’s reflected from the earth. It’s just like the greenhouse but the glass is a cloud of pollutants, and just like in the green house they keep the heat and humidity in.
4.How is the Greenhouse effect created?
Carbon dioxide is what causes the greenhouse effect; it is created in many ways. Carbon dioxide is emitted from most of our planets organisms as well as natural events such as volcanic eruptions. But the human race ass had a large part in increasing the levels of carbon dioxide through combustion, and burning coal and oil to create energy for us to live.
5.What are the effects of the Earth increasing in temperature?
For one the increase of temperature is melting the ice caps and when the ice melts it puts more water in to the ocean which in turn raises the water level which can result in massive flooding and permanent loss of property. Not only that but animals have been effected to, certain birds used to give birth to their young at the same time when caterpillars where hatching, this was an excellent food supply for the birds. But do to this increase of temperature the birds are having their young before the caterpillars have hatched.
6.Are human beings really the cause of this increase of Greenhouse gases or is it natural?
Human beings are not the direct cause of greenhouse gases. The Earth has a natural way of increasing and decreasing the level of carbon dioxide and sometimes it varies but it relatively stays the same. But with humans, we have been steadily increasing this amount to the point where the Earth’s natural ability to decrease the amount can’t keep up.
7.How can Greenhouse gases have an effect on the weather?
Greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the world which then in turn changes the air currents and water currents which effects such weather phenomenon’s as storms. This doesn’t really mean that storms will get worse but they will occur in different places that aren’t prepared or able to handle such storms. For example a storm that usually hits Florida would do much more damage if it hit Rode Island.
8.What are we already doing to lessen our impact on greenhouse gases?
When the human race realized our effect on greenhouse gases many things have been cut back, for instance car companies have to build their fuel using cars to certain spec’s as to lessen the output of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Also another thing is that hybrid cars which don’t emit ant pollutants are being made for people to buy. Another thing is that many larger buildings use solar power to get there energy, for example freight companies have had their warehouses roofs covered in solar panels which usually that alone can save lot of money and energy from fuel burning factories.
9.What can we do to lessen our impact on global warming on our own?
In order to lessen what we contribute to carbon dioxide levels you can use environmental friendly light bulbs which last much longer than normal light bulbs and use less energy. There are many other ways as well such as car pooling or using public transportation. Also using less house hold energy as well like not having lights on in rooms you aren’t in. There are hundreds of ways you can lessen you effect.
10.What are some major ways to lessen the Human effect or global warming?
On a larger scale pushing for different sources of energy is very good. Solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric are all sources of energy that don’t create carbon dioxide. There are however some drawbacks in these but very few. These drawbacks include such thing as placement, for wind energy you need lots of wind, for hydroelectric you need a good water source. However the benefits far out way the drawbacks.

Here are some statistics about Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gas Statistics

1. Since the industrial revolution the carbon dioxide levels have increased from 280 parts per billion to 380 parts per million.
2. Since the year 2000 carbon dioxide levels have increased at a rate of 1.9 parts per million.
3. The Earth surface temperature has increased by .74 degrees C since the late 19th century.
4. Without natural greenhouse gases the earths temperature would be around 0 zero degrees F instead of 57 degrees F.
5. They expect that by the end of the 21st century carbon dioxide anywhere from 490 parts per million to 1260 parts per million.
6. Projected Sea level rise is at a low of .18 meters to a high of 0.59.
7. 200 million people will be displaced by droughts and sea levels rising.
8. About 5.53% is the amount of Greenhouse effect Humans beings cause.
9. Water Vapor is responsible for about 95% of Earth Greenhouse effect.
10. Buildings are responsible for about 48% of greenhouse emissions annually.